Saturday, November 24, 2007

Bella Italia

This week I flew to Italy between jobs and caught up on the last 8 years with my God Brother Ali. I flew with Air France and missed my transfer at Charles De Gaul airport as their plane came in late so spent 6 hours kicking my heels about the place. I was sooo tempted to buy a PSP! We played lots of Golf in Italy on a fabulous course and were very well matched (see photo) I returned to the UK only to discover that my car had been the victim of a hit and run, probably a big lorry judgeing by the rip down the side! Had an interesting job in Reading last night working with Sigfried the singing Reindeer and a Christmas tree and a Fairy on stilts... !

Monday, November 12, 2007

Black Bella

Ahh, the country life! Hacking over the Moors, drinking Sherry and shooting Peasants on Sundays are among my many new found hobbies. Here is a photo of me mounted upon my noble stead, the infamous Black Bella - NightMare of the Moor. She can go from walk to gallop in the blink of an eye, out run any farmer on a quad bike, play poker terribly well and even fly if she wants too! Tally Ho!