Wishing you all a very Happy and Prosporous 2008... Good luck with any resolutions you may have. I've done the smoking one save the odd Cigar and the occasional pipe. It seems the government is making it easier to quit due to the ban although I fear with all new the restrictions and bans being inforced it may just be a matter of time before human beings are, themselves, banned from existance! Personaly I prefer living in the "Olden Days" with a glass of Sherry, some chestnuts and the occasional ghost popping in for a wee spot of Wooooooing :o)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Happy New Year from Fox Manor
Wishing you all a very Happy and Prosporous 2008... Good luck with any resolutions you may have. I've done the smoking one save the odd Cigar and the occasional pipe. It seems the government is making it easier to quit due to the ban although I fear with all new the restrictions and bans being inforced it may just be a matter of time before human beings are, themselves, banned from existance! Personaly I prefer living in the "Olden Days" with a glass of Sherry, some chestnuts and the occasional ghost popping in for a wee spot of Wooooooing :o)
Merry Christmas
With candy canes and wooden balls and underneath a mountain of toys its a thrill to see for all who come, there's something there for everyone! I wasn't going to have tree but when I said this to my Angel she flew down and made it happen causing quite a stir in the local area (It's not often they see angels around here) It's 9 ft tall and is standing very proud in a window bay that seems to have been specially made for the job. Wishing you all a wonderful festive time full of big fat stockings and Xtra helpings of everything X
The Fabulous Flutterbee Outfit
Cristmas is a busy time of year for most people including Elves and Pixies. I have many diffrent guises but this one is my favorate at this time of year. Made with much love and magic over 23 moons by none other than the now Infamous Pirate of the Seas, Flutterbee the First. Many have been entrances by its flashing lights and pretty colours and some will never be the same again. It's been a wonderful month and I have entertained folk from all angles of life. From a party of 2000 Girls at Pasha to a small gathering of Millionaires in Devon. A few nights ago I was asked to produce two Diamond rings for a Silver Wedding Party... when the pound coin the wife was holding turned into a 25 diamond ring the atmosphere was pure magic... the perfect time to dissappear!
Monday, December 3, 2007
A Victorian Christmas
Last week I worked three days at a Victorian Christmas Fair in Portsmouth Historic Dockyard. The atmosphere was magical with hundreds of people dressed up in traditional costume. The streets were filled with kids playing traditional games and horses, penny farthings, roast chestnut vendors, marching bands, mulled wine shops, old wenches, tramps, punch and Judy, a clockwork soldier and even Queen Victoria made a few appearences! The weather was really bad at times but there was a great indoor market which made a perfect place to shelter and pick a few pockets. I bought a walking cane which is also three flutes and a hollow book to keep treasure in! :o)
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